Monday, January 4, 2010


Hello. I'm Allison. I wear many hats.

Tonight I am wearing my student hat. When I wear my student hat, I'm a graduate student pursuing my Master's Degree in Education with a focus on curriculum and instruction. This is the second term that I've donned this cap, and I'm rather enjoying it. I hope to learn a lot that will help to supplement my teacher hat.

I've been wearing my teacher hat since 2001 and it's still one of my favorites to put on every day. I also wear safety goggles and a lab coat since I teach chemistry to high school students. I still like it and it makes me laugh every day. I love working with amazing people, and consider myself to be fabulously lucky to have landed a great job (that is not without challenges), and look forward to learning to do it better.

My other hats also help you understand me better: mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend are the most worn and therefore the most predominant. I'm looking forward to embarking on this journey, and hopefully you enjoy coming along!

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